“halcyon days - a time of happiness and great memories

After many years of surviving the tropical climate, in old rusty cookie tins, I rediscovered my grandfathers 35mm slides of Antigua dating back to the 1960’s and 1970’s. The humidity and dust marks add a natural noise onto the surface of each negative. Signs of an era gone by.

In search of ways to give the 35mm slides a new life, I pursued the idea of attending an artist residency. In October 2023 I was accepted to attend a one month residency at the Art Print Residence in Barcelona. The facility was equipped with a darkroom, etching presses and all the tools needed to transform these timeless landscapes. “The Halcyon Days” collection was born and a little bit of Antiguan history preserved using the Photogravure printmaking technique. Photogravure is an intaglio print process that uses a negative and light to transfer the image onto a plate. The plate is then inked by hand and printed using a traditional etching press. Individually handmade, signed and a limited edition of 30.
